
How to wordpress masterslider how to download a template
How to wordpress masterslider how to download a template

how to wordpress masterslider how to download a template

It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture, that you have never experienced before. Based on the slick.js (it’s more readable as the minified version!), we copy all the passed parameters in our shortcode and leave the JavaScript callback functions.Master Slider WordPress slider plugin is a premium image and content slider with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. Slick provides a lot of features which we almost want to use with our shortcode. To keep your theme folder clear, you can delete the following files from the slick folder: config.rb, slick.js and slick.scss.

how to wordpress masterslider how to download a template how to wordpress masterslider how to download a template

The slick folder should contains a structure like this. Download the whole master from GitHub, extract the package locally and copy the slick folder slick-master/slick/ into your WordPress theme folder which is located under /wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/. I assume that a current WordPress installation is running why we only need the slick files. To cut a long story short, we create a WordPress shortcode to replace the default gallery by the new slick gallery. Slick is lightweight, extensive, extendable, easy to use and be predestined to use with WordPress. This fact takes me to one of the most used jQuery plugins I used in the last few month: slick, the last carousel you’ll ever need by Ken Wheeler. Some of the WordPress plugins are very good for people who are not familiar with programming and scripting but for me, it’s unnecessary bloated with settings I don’t have to adjust in the WordPress dashboard. You can specify very detailed layout and functionality and determine where it should appear. There exists hundreds of slider and carousel plugins which can be configured on a highly extensive way. Using Slick Slider With WordPress Shortcode

How to wordpress masterslider how to download a template